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Filling machine factory explains four key points for designing beer

by:Trano     2020-02-22
In the hot summer, people choose such drinks as beer one after another. This is because it can not only quench thirst, but also is not easy to get drunk. It not only satisfies people's impulse to drink and is not easy to get drunk. Why not? Do you know the key points to pay attention to when designing beer? Is it not clear? Next, Shandong trano, a manufacturer of beer filling machines, will give you a brief analysis below, hoping to help you. 1. Color the color of beer is a function of the color and proportion of malt used and the volume of beer. Color is also included in most style guidelines, by calculating, adjusting the number of malt as well as the type, batch size to reach your beer's target color. When adjusting the color, try to choose to use malt. Many brewers began to use caramel malt to adjust the color, but more experienced beer brewers used these Malt only cautiously because they could add harsh tastes. Generally speaking, Huan uses a small amount of darker malt to achieve his desired color without reflecting other tastes, unless Black malt is an important part of flavor characteristics. 2, bitter and bitter than beer filling machine manufacturers tell everyone like OG and color, you can use BeerSmith or spreadsheet to estimate the bitterness of beer in advance. Bitterness is measured in international bitter units or IBUS. In addition, the style guide provides an IBU range that can help you quickly find the approximate goal of bitterness. However, in addition to the bitter taste, you need to consider that the hop bitter will balance the sweetness of the malt. The bitterness ratio is only the ratio of bitterness to specific gravity unit (From OG). Bitter beer has a high bitter ratio, usually 1. Above 0, the proportion of medium balanced beer is 0. About 5. The ratio of mild beer is less than 0. 5. 3. Starting proportion starting proportion (Called OG) Just a measure of how much sugar is in the wort before fermentation. Most home brewers use a unit-less specific gravity, which is a measure of gravity relative to water. Pure water will have 1. The specific gravity of 000, and most beers have a specific gravity of 1. 030 to 1. The original gravity in the range of 070. Professional brewers also use degrees, which are equivalent but measured on different scales. The proportion of the original wort, can be from the malt ingredients, quantity, the size of the batch can be calculated, you can use some software is very convenient! Such as BeerSmith. The starting specific gravity drives the alcohol content and body of the finished beer. Beer with low original specific gravity usually has less alcohol and body than beer with high specific gravity. For a new formula, I usually add enough malt to reach the middle of the OG range of beer style and then adjust from there. 4. Attenuation and volume of alcohol most beer brewers are familiar with the percentage of alcohol or the volume of alcohol (ABV)Measurement-Just how much beer is alcohol. For most beers, it is usually 3 percent-Between 8. It can be directly calculated from the starting specific gravity and subsequent specific gravity readings. Similarly, most style guides provide a range of ABV values for typical beers. OG and FG determine the ABV of the finished beer. The first is the starting proportion of beer. Beer with higher OG will usually result in higher ABV because they have more fermentable sugar than light beer. ( Such as sugar and light malt, not special malt that cannot be fermented)The second is the yeast used and the length of fermentation time. Some yeasts are more effective at consuming sugar and produce more alcohol. We call these yeasts'High attenuation' , You can find the expected attenuation range of yeast by referring to the yeast specification parameters of the yeast supplier. I believe that after reading the four key points for designing beer introduced by the above-mentioned beer filling machine manufacturers, I have a further understanding of beer. I hope that the above contents can be helpful to everyone, want to know more details, pay more attention to the website dynamics, welcome to visit and buy at any time.
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