
Aluminum beverage cans are used for packing beer, soft drinks, craft beer, coffee, tea and new energy drinks etc...


The puree beer brewed by the beer production equipment should be preserved in this way

by:Trano     2020-01-05
Beer produced by beer production equipment will contain some active yeast, but under certain conditions, the active yeast will undergo secondary fermentation, which is not puree beer, then, how to preserve puree beer? We can formulate methods for preserving puree beer according to the characteristics of beer. Let's take a look at these methods together. 1. The beer produced by the self-brewed beer equipment should be stored in strict accordance with the production time and the product type. It should be disinfected first and then sold. It must be noted that it should not be placed in the cold storage for too long. 2. Puree beer has stricter temperature requirements than other beer without yeast. The temperature in the cold storage must be suitable and can have certain inhibitory effect. 3. Ventilation is also crucial. We said that if the ventilation conditions are not good, maybe I will deteriorate our labels. 4. Puree beer cannot be placed directly in the open air environment. In order to prevent sunlight and rain, pay attention to avoid direct sunlight. Puree beer tastes better than ordinary beer, but the taste of beer is not only caused by yeast, but also the overall cleanliness of beer production equipment. Therefore, beer production equipment manufacturers should be comprehensive in maintaining and cleaning the equipment and ensure the taste of beer. : Beer production equipment
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